Thursday, June 25, 2015

Gettin' Our Kicks: Chapter 23 – Day 17 Santa Fe Walkabout

June 21, 2015

We decided to stay in Santa Fe today and do some walking.

It was Father's Day and first thing we saw was a Father's Day wish.


We did our walkabout and saw many shops that all looked similar - huummm - funny how that goes. The jewelry is extremely nice and certainly attractive, but not neither of our styles.

Interesting combination of items for sale

This is a typical store window

After the walkabout we headed for the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. I have always enjoyed her work and was interested to see the museum, which shows much of her early water color work. It did not disappoint.

I took very few pictures of the pieces in the museum. It is not possible to capture the beauty of her work with an iPhone 6. I was really interested in the Black and White photographs. Here are a couple.

Georgia O'Keeffe was a pretty independent woman

Sorry that you cannot see the wonderful tonality of this photograph.
It is Georgia O'Keeffe posing for her husband, Alfred Stieglitz.

Alfred Stieglitz.

An early photograph of O'Keeffe by Ansel Adams

My interest in the B&W photographs in the museum comes from a sort of six degrees of separation thing. Ansel Adams has been prominent in my life since the early 1970's. At the time, I was taking a lot of photography classes in San Diego. Adams was the pinnacle of B&W photography, which we all strived to achieve (and of course never achieved) his sense of tonality and composition. The instructor was a personal friend of Adams and on a couple of occupations he arranged for Adams to visit the course and lecture. Therefore, I was able to meet and speak to the greatest photographer the world has ever seen.

Perhaps the most famous Adams photograph is Moonrise, Hernandez. As it happened, Georgia O'Keeffe was with Adams at the time this magnificent photograph was taken - just to the north of her home outside of Santa Fe.

Source: Shamelessly taken form The Internet

After the museum we did a minor amount of walking and saw this nice stairway to a small home.

Then we hung out at the hotel for a while.

Dinner was takeout from a very agreeable pizza shop - Prime Crust - a half a block for the hotel – with some left over for breakfast.

Waiting for our Pizza

 Tomorrow we head to Tucumcari and the Blue Swallow Motel with a few diversions on the way.

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