Navarro's Tasting Room
Vines - Vines - Vines
Nice Picnic Area Behind the Tasting Room
Mountain View Road is 28 miles and winds around like a snake have contortions. There is an occasional logging truck coming from the other direction to make it more exciting. It was a slow and cautious ride.
Once I made it to the Coast Highway I headed South into the fog (again). I made a quick stop at the Point Arena Lighthouse. The original lighthouse is not functional any longer to the

By the way, the lighthouse’s 1st Order Fresnel Lens is over six feet in diameter, weighing in at more than six tons. The lens is made up of 666 hand-ground glass prisms all focused toward three sets of double bulls eyes. It is these bulls eyes that gave the Point Arena Lighthouse its unique "light signature" of two flashes every six seconds. This incredible optic, that holds an appraised value of over $3.5 million, is set in solid brass framework, was built in France.
The reminder of the ride down the Coast was pleasant enough. Very little traffic and the fog burned off.
A little ways past the Point Arena Lighthouse is the town with the un-pronounceable name - or at least it's pronounced many different ways.

Nick's Cove
Oysters do not cross very fast
Tomales Bay is right behind Nick's Cove
After leaving Nick’s Cove I was approaching more densely populated real world and the traffic picked up. I eventually worked my way over to U.S. 101 and across the Golden Gate Bridge and then through the middle of San Francisco at rush hour (great timing).
I finally got to Russ and Debbi’s house in San Carlos about 6:00 PM and happy to be out of the traffic.
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