Today is a rest and regroup day.
Hung out with Russ and Debbi and caught up on stuff.

My rear tire is still good for two or three thousand more miles, but I decided to replace it early and not have to worry about it on the way back home. So, I pulled the rear wheel and off Russ and I go to CalMoto, a nice BMW – Triumph Dealer in Mt. View to get a new tire.

While the tire was being replaced Russ and I drove down to Raber’s Parts Mart in San Jose to say hi to the owner, Bob Raber, his son Mike and the ever cheery Richard – the man lbehind the parts counter. Raber’s only deals in vintage British Motorcycles. Russ and I both own these relics and frequent Raber’s on a fairly regular basis – or at least I used to hang out there. After saying hi and BS’ing with the Raber’s gang we headed back to CalMoto to pick my rear wheel with new tire.
Tommorow is a ride over the Coastal Hills to the Coast with Russ and Steve to break in the new tire.
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