The plans was to get up early, grab a coffee, load up the bike and leave by 7:30, and then stop for gas and breakfast about an hour down the road.
I got the coffee, loaded the bike by 7:15, turned the key on, hit the starter and nothing. No lights, no engine crank over, no zaroom, zaroom.

After everything was re-packed I was on the road at 11:30 – so much for the “plan”. Stopped for gas and a bite to eat just five miles down the road.
Note to self #2… if you go into a Subway, and there is a group of six adolescent children, and a clueless mom in front of you, be prepared to wait or go to Taco Bell.
OK lunch finished, it’s now 12:30 and Sioux Falls is 450 miles away. The good news is the thunderstorms decided to go somewhere else and the temperature is in the mid 80’s.
I jumped on I-90 and head West.
Note to self #3… do not try to make up time on I-90 West outside of Madison unless you have a radar detector.
A few miles down the road the Columbus County Sheriffs Department was conducting a focused speed enforcement exercise – also known as a speed trip. Sheriffs hidden in the tall grass with radar detectors and eight – count’em– eight patrol cars lined up on the West Bound on ramp to nail us poor suckers.
As I came around a bend in I-90 I see a bunch of patrol cars on the side of the road with red and blue lights flashing. There were four cars pulled over – so I immediately slow down – hah – far too late for that. I look in the mirror and see a fifth patrol car with lights flashing. He can’t possibly be after me, can he? Oh yes he can, and is. So let’s just say I was exceeding the posted 65 MPH signs by some amount (hard to imagine) – at least that's what Deputy Brandsma told me. While Deputy Brandsma was doing the needful I watched half a dozen more suckers being pulled over. The deputy told me they normally give 100 tickets a day when conducting a focused speed enforcement exercise. I have to say he was nice about it and I’ll feel good about contributing to the Wisconsin economy – right.
Cloumbus County Law Enforcement Center
Needless to say, the remaining 425 miles were spent at a conservative pace. That is until I got into South Dakota. The posted speed limit on I-90 is 75 MPH - cool.
Now here’s a question – do Ladybugs sting or bite? I never thought they did, but as I was buzzing down the road about 300 miles in, with my jacket sleeves unzipped to keep cool, I felt a really painful stinging on my right elbow. First thought was that a bee got up my sleeve and stung me. Well this stinging was pretty bad and just continued. I finally pulled over and took my jacket off. All I could find inside the jacket was a Ladybug (killer Ladybug?). There was a welt the size of a nickel on my elbow with what looked like a tiny stinger in the middle.
Surprisingly I made it to Sioux Falls by 7:30.
I’ll try to execute the “plan” again tomorrow morning – with better results I hope. There is a stop planned at Wall Drug ( for a hamburger, and then on into Rapid City.
See you tomorrow.
Fabulous! This is actually great news... Hitting 3 big mishaps--Mechanical, speeding ticket, and insect attack--all in one day fills your quota of difficulties for a while. It was smart to get them out of the way early. You are really tearing up the road, South Dakota already! Enjoy the glorious West!!
ReplyDeleteWell done Dennis! I was in Columbus Ohio last weekend - there were a few bikers from Alaska in the rest area. You probably will be the talk of the town in the west.